
Sync Catalogs and Product Information in Real-time from 130+ Suppliers Automatically to your Store

Hassle-free and Up-to-date Catalog Subscription for Uniform Dealers and Retailers Through Catalog Sync Irrespective of your eCommerce Platform

Get Access to Product Data from 130+ Uniform Suppliers.

An Automated Way to Manage Supplier Catalogs in Real-time

130+ Brands from Uniform Suppliers

UniformMarket is the only technology provider to provide up to 130 top uniform catalogs that range from medical, public safety, industrial FR, Corporate wear, and more. You may choose to select a complete catalog or parts of it with zero restrictions and bandwidth charges. It really is your choice.

Sync Product Information in Real-time

Doesn’t matter if your store is currently on Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Volusion, or any other generic eCommerce platform, you can still subscribe to the supplier catalogs through our Catalog Sync and start selling right away.

Access Catalogs in Multiple Formats

With UniformMarket, you also have multiple options to transfer the supplier feed to your eCommerce store. Our Catalog Sync enables uniform dealers and retailers to download supplier feeds either in CSV format, XML feeds via FT, or through API files.

Catalog Data Cleansing

You no longer have to check with multiple suppliers for their catalog updates and maintain a separate team to scrub the data and ensure the product information and catalog format are correct as we do that for you. So, all you have to do is as simple as click and start selling immediately.

Inventory and Supplier Drop-ship

Save upfront costs on maintaining inventory of the products as well as fulfillment of the orders by choosing from supplier dropship from selected suppliers. All you have to do is select the catalog and market it and we will share all order details with the suppliers for fulfillment.

Get Up-To-Date Product Catalogs From 130+ Top Suppliers

Automate the mundane process of cleaning catalogs, sourcing missing images & adjusting formats to save time and money.